Handyperson Service

Handyperson Service

solution proViDeR

Islington Council


Solve customer service issues

primary eligibility


SECONDary eligibility

Long-term physical or mental health condition or disability`
Special educational needs and disabilities
Carer for a vulnerable person
Private tenant
Council tenant




Vulnerability support schemes


Paid service

what's on offer

Islington’s handypersons’ scheme provides help with small repairs around the home. These might be things that the council’s repair service or a landlord would not normally cover. Assistance may include: 1. Electrical works e.g. fix loose sockets, replace light fitting, fit additional phone socket. 2. Home maintenance e.g. fitting curtain rails or shelves, assembling flat pack furniture, fixing problems with doors and windows 3. Plumbing e.g. plumbing in washing machines, repair of leaks in pipe work, replacement taps and fittings 4. Security e.g. door and window locks, fitting spyholes and chains, hinge bolts This is not an exhaustive list. Please contact the team to find out if the repair you require is covered by the scheme.

how to claim

By telephone: 0800 694 3344, then press option 5 (handyperson service) From a mobile: 020 7527 5400, then press option 5 (handyperson service) Email: repairs@islington.gov.uk

website link


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