What help could I get if I am 'vulnerable'?

What help could I get if I am 'vulnerable'?

solution proViDeR



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primary eligibility


SECONDary eligibility

In a vulnerable situation
Special educational needs and disabilities
Long-term physical or mental health condition or disability`
Suffer from severe health-related condition
Low income household
Receive means-tested benefits
In arrears on energy bills




Vulnerability support schemes



what's on offer

You could be considered vulnerable if you: - have reached your state pension age. - are disabled or have a long-term medical condition. - are recovering from an injury. - have a hearing or sight condition. - have a mental health condition. - are pregnant or have children under 5. - have extra communication needs (such as if you don’t speak or read English well). - cannot safeguard your welfare or the welfare of other members in your household because of your age, health, disability or severe financial insecurity. - are eligible for the Priority Services Register – a support service for vulnerable people. You might be in a vulnerable situation for other reasons if your situation isn’t listed. For example, if you need short-term support after a stay in hospital or have financial difficulties.

how to claim

If you aren't sure, always speak to your supplier or network operator and explain your situation. Citizens Advice can also help: by Telephone on 0808 223 1133, or by Textphone on 18001 followed by the helpline number.

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